Custom made Canine Bracing

Mobile service for southern Vancouver island. In house manufacturing, over 500 braces fit to date!

All CCL/ knee, hock/ankle,front limb, paw braces are made from a custom mold of your dog’s limb.

Prosthetic services are available as well.

What to expect?

The time from assessment / casting to a fitting date can vary depending on the type of orthosis required and general scheduling limitations.

Allow 30-45 minutes for initial assessment and 1-2 hours for fitting, both of these timeframes are estimates and the session may be much shorter than these times. 

*Please submit this form before booking an assessment.

Getting Started

Start a consultation with your veterinarian and determine your canine's mobility issue. If there is a role for a brace in treatment, your vet can write down the issue and suggested bracing option.

Our Consultation

With this information, please contact us for a consultation appointment. It's recommended that you bring your canine's favorite toy and or snack to aid in temperament during a possible casting procedure.

Cast Molding

Once the assessment is completed and a plan for bracing is determined a cast molding with be done. The cast molding only takes 15 minutes to complete depending on the level of difficulty.

The Brace Fitting

The molding of your canine's limb will act as the template for the orthosis manufacturing. The goal is to provide a device within 10 days.

Tim Witoski C.O. (C)

Senior Certified Orthotist, CBCPO

Tim Witoski has owned, operated and managed Island Orthotics Inc. for the past 32 years. He has been the Senior Certified Orthotist with Island Orthotics Inc. during that timeframe. Tim is a graduate of both the Technical and Clinical Methods in Prosthetics and Orthotics programs from George Brown College (G.B.C.) in Toronto, Ontario. In 1985 upon completion of both G.B.C. programs Tim entered his internship at the Glenrose Rehabilitation Hospital in Edmonton, Alberta. In 1987, following a 2 year internship Tim successfully passed the Canadian Board of Certification Prosthetists and Orthotists (C.B.C.P.O.) national exams in Orthotics.

In 2017 prior to closing his non canine (human) practice Tim began to shift his focused towards canine bracing. This new focus has become a true passion for him and has provided both exciting new challenges and an opportunity to apply his 30+ years of orthotic care experience to a whole new population. In 2019 Tim officially switched his practice to canine bracing exclusively and has not looked back.

Lasting Results

Canine Bracing Options

Since beginning, we have created more than 500 custom braces for dogs of various sizes and shapes. We have even  made a prosthetic limb for a turkey (Gertie) and a similar device for a pig (Pirate). 

The most common devices and their prices are listed below. These are subject to change depending on complexity.

New Prices Effective December 1, 2023

  • Stifle or knee brace: $1175
  • Stifle brace with distal extension $1275 
  • Carpal brace static: $650
  • Carpal brace articulated: $975
  • Hock Brace Posterior shell design static $775
  • Hock Brace Clamshell design static  $1025
  • Front limb prosthesis  $1475
  • Assessment only $65

All levels of amputation will be serviced as well. You’re welcome to request an appointment today by filling in the intake form on the opening page.

  • Stifle or knee
  • Hock or ankle
  • Elbow
  • Hip
  • Carpal or wrist
  • Wheelchair measurement
  •  Spinal bracing
  • Prosthetic limbs

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